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Youth Firearms Safety

Youth Firearms Safety

SKU: 284215376135191

Why You Should Sign-Up Today:

It’s important for kids to learn to respect and safely handle guns, especially if you have them in your home. Instead of trying to hide your firearms, take the opportunity to educate your kids on basic firearm safety. The Youth Firearms Safety course is taught in a way and in language kids can easily understand. Class sizes are limited to six students to create the opportunity for more personalized instruction. Parents are encouraged to sit in and observe.

Topics Covered in this Course:

Introduction to gun safety, basic rifle and handgun operation, range etiquette, fundamentals of shooting.

Student Requirements:

8 – 16 years of age, a good attitude, and a willingness to learn.

Equipment Requirements:

  • No open-toed shoes allowed.
  • Brimmed hat.
  • Shooting glasses with Z87+ or MilSpec APEL rating (rentals available at CFA).
  • Electronic hearing protection (rentals available at CFA).
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